
Showing posts from July, 2010

Squinting Through The Sunshine

As the rainy season officially arrived with a splash, I watched the last days of fun and vacation season come to an end. I let summer pass me by, but in my mind,I remember my days of sheer happiness in the beach with nary a care to the sunburn that will ensue; the times I've spent with friends and family traveling and picnicking; the feel of the wind blowing through my hair as I journey to some off-the-beaten path; and the touch of sunshine and sea breeze on my skin--so vivid and real, that I can almost smell the sea, feel the cool water on my feet and hear the waves. Sigh, unfortunately, I had none of those of late. Or at least not yet. These images flash through my mind at random hours of the day--right while I'm in the middle of my work, before I fall asleep or as I sit idly in front of my computer surfing through the summer outing pictures of my Facebook friends. My longing for travel intensifies even more when people tell me what wonderful time they had during their recent